Motorola Droid Turbo

Motorola Droid Turbo

The Motorola Droid Turbo is one Great Device and has some amazing specs. the idea behind this page is to teach you how to factory reset your device, restore, unbrick, root, install roms and custom OS plus much much more. hopefully we will have some great development on this device really soon. Keep checking back as i will have more and more videos on Motorola Droid Turbo really soon.  If you watch the videos in order then you will be up to speed as much as i am 🙂 Bootloader Unlock Video farther down the page.

How to Enter bootloader mode on the Motorola Droid Turbo. Turn off the device then press and hold the volume down button. Then press the and hold the power button until the bootloader mode pops up on the screen from here you can navigate to recovery if needed or many other features as well.     Start, Restart bootloader, Recovery Mode, Power Off, Factory, Barcode, BP Tools, QCOM, and Bootloader Logs

Motorola Droid Turbo Review and First impressions

How to manually factory reset the Motorola Droid Turbo

How to Block the Bloatware on your Verizon Motorola Droid Turbo


How to root the motorola droid turbo with Moforoot


Lollipop Review on the Droid Turbo

How to unlock the bootloader on the Motorola Droid Turbo simple and easy way


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149 thoughts on “Motorola Droid Turbo”

  1. Can you help me, my phone updated 5.1, after update camera and flash led haven’t opened. I think, the software is fall. Can you help me root rom 5.1 of droid turbo? Thank you so much!

  2. The in call volume on this phone sucks. Is there any way that it can be placed into engineering mode and the volume raised? without rooting

  3. So I have a rooted (MofoRoot) with droid turbo 4.4.4 so I can use wi-fi tethering. If I do this 5.1 update will I loose wi-fi tethering. Is there any way to install 5.1 and keep wi-fi tethering? I want to install the security patches but keep wi-fi tethering.

  4. MaN wE nEeD tO fInD a WaY tO rOoT, oR fLaSh WiThOuT tHaT dAm MOFO rOoT… iBoGhT mY tUrBo WiTh ThE 5.1 AlReAdY iNsTaLlEd.. I cAnNoT seEm To FiNd ANY waY To RoOt It.. I wAnNa FlAsH iT…. AnY 1 GoT aNy IdEaS??

  5. My wife and I both have a droid Maxx. I’m running version 422 she’s running 444 they’re both rooted and use the stock hotspot. What are my chances of rooting the droid turbo and using it as a hotspot? Or am I stuck with the maxx for a while? We still have unlimited data plans.

  6. For some reason, when I try to drag the .img to flash into the mofo box where you type moforoot.exe flash, it won’t let me drop it into the box. What gives? I’m on 4.4.4 system version 21.44.12. I’m using windows vista 64.

  7. I Just bought the Turbo and I must have been an older production date because it looked and operated like my Droid mini. Well now this piece of shit LP 5.1 came out and I let it download and install. Now I hate this phone white keyboard white screens bull crap. I need to get back to KK 4.4.4 is there any way to do this ??


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