Android Kanging

Android Kanging What is Android Kanging or to Kang a rom, theme, or mod? Lets start with a Android definition of Kanging: To have one’s developer code and work taken, manipulated, rebranded, and re-released by someone else with no credit given. In no way is this illegal or even stealing because android is open source and cant be sold. Open source is …

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CyanogenMod App Installer

CyanogenMod App Installer  CyanogenMod App Installer CMAI is a App that you can download on to any phone / device and be able to install your favorite CyanogenMod apps right to the devices. This is a really nice option if you are stuck on a non rootable device and are really missing you CM apps like DSP manager and Torch …

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PuzzlePhone   Many of you have heard about Project Ara and even Phone Blocks. But have you seen this new company from Finland with there product PuzzlePhone. (picture above) This design is very much like Project Ara but with less moving parts.  It looks to me like it has 3 main Parts the battery, camera with other sensors and buttons then the …

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Android black Friday deals

Android black Friday deals The best Black Friday Android Deals for 2014 for those of you who want the best bang for your buck this year on cool new tech. Walmart has a amazing deal on a 7in RCA Tablet for $29.99 this isnt a flash ship device but for the price it is pretty good.  With specs like this …

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